Giant DewLap Toulouse Geese

A new addition to NBG’s sustainability push. Although not the best utilitarian breed I just couldnt help myself to get one of the largest breeds of geese being that we raise some of the largest guardian dogs. They take 2 years to mature and start laying, and do not lay as well when they do Their chicks also need some nutritional supplementation once they do But a cool thing I learned from one of the breeders is that when they raise their babies they hatch in a incubator and then keep inside for a few days until strong. They are then taken out to the flock and just released. The ganders will come up and with great announcement herd the goslings up and bring them into the flock and adopted. Would have to be neat to watch.

As it will be some time for ours to mature, Here are the genetic sources of our Giant DewLap Toulouse Geese. Cant wait to start getting our own eggs.